
AusTralian made arcade machines, wiTh incredible aTTenTion To deTail

Enthusiast grade arcade machines

Our arcade cabinets are a spiritual successor to the renowned Allied Industries “LowBoy” arcade, which was manufactured in Australia throughout the 90’s. We have designed or cabinet to comfortably fit 2x adults side by side, while not dominating the room.

Our arcades are “enthusiast grade” meaning, we are hyper-focussed on building new arcades machines with the latest components, while also respecting the original retro style. We believe this creates the best  arcade gameplay experience.

ITs a gaming PC inside a really cusTom case, which jusT so happens To be in The shape of an arcade machine! 

Features of our widescreen arcade

a Video demo of our arcade machines

Too many features to write about, just see for yourself...

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